Counterclockwise Sept 9, 2020

Longville to Dickinson

439 miles, 5,812 cumulative

Left Longville at 10.00am. Visited Walker for gas, sausages and wild rice. Stopped at Hornbacher’s grocery store in Fargo to stock up for the next few days of camping. Lunch in the parking lot; used our folding aluminum table for the first time.

The trees thinned out between Walker and Fargo into corn fields and open grassy range. The line is fuzzy, but the Great Plains seemed to start in North Dakota around exit 233 on I-94.

Paul Bunyan; quite a tall person, apparently

Salem Sue (or The World’s Largest Holstein Cow) is a giant fiberglass Holstein cow sculpture located in New Salem, North Dakota.

I-94, North Dakota

Geese in Flight – Enchanted Highway

North Dakota was certainly nicer looking and more interesting than we had previously imagined. Once we got out onto the Great Plains, the landscape was decidedly not ultra-flat. Numerous streams and rivers carved valleys into the land and there were odd mounds and hillocks dotted around. We saw an enormous Paul Bunyan in Minnesota and an enormous plastic cow in North Dakota.  Driving in the US you often come across larger than life things like this.

Got to hotel in Dickinson at 6.30pm mountain time, time zone change saved us another hour!