Counterclockwise Aug 20, 2020

Tucumcari to Van Buren

555 miles, cumulative 1566

Fiat prepares for I-40

Tucumcari to Van Buren. Woke at 6.30am after a great night’s sleep in our little motel room. Jeri had coffee from reception and bought three Blue Swallow Motel mugs. Left at 7.30 to get gas then climbed onto I-40, which would be a constant all day. First stop, Cadillac Ranch near Amarillo. Depressed to see the Trump trailer next to the entrance selling a variety of presidential rubbish. The ranch was disappointing; cans of spray paint everywhere, what a mess.

Cadillac Ranch, Amarillo TX

Long drive today, over 550 miles and it was tiring. Crossed into Texas then Oklahoma, but did not stop much except for lunch in Elk City in a nice little park near a pond. The sandwiches are getting a bit tired. I-40 is easy going except for the trucks. Trying to maintain an easy 75 mph is complicated by the trucks racing downhill then slowing for the uphill and it is made trickier for us by having to convoy our two cars.

The Leaning Tower of Groom,TX

In the afternoon, we switched out drivers and Beth took a turn; she drove for about 250 miles. Van Buren AR was a relief at 6.00pm; our Airbnb was a fantastic place – a mash up of kitsch and antiques with a God and soldier theme, but so big it was amazing.

Free Hawk Airbnb, Van Buren AR

Jeri cooked up the chili and we had it with jasmine rice and red wine. We flopped in front of the TV and watched two episodes of the Legend of Korra, still mesmerized by the road. Bed was so needed I fell asleep immediately.

3 thoughts on “Counterclockwise Aug 20, 2020”

  1. Sorry the sandwiches are getting tired haha! Looks like you’re having an awesome trip!!!

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