Day 7 Niagara Falls to New York

Horseshoe Falls

What can we say about Niagara Falls? Well, it is very impressive that’s for sure.  We visited early in the morning and the crowds were quite thin.  A fifteen minute walk put us at the Horseshoe Falls overlook which was spectacular and below us we saw a boat full of passengers wearing red ponchos.


The drive through upstate New York took quite a bit of time as it is easy to forget just how large the state is.  Rolling farmland and small towns and villages.  For our drive into the city itself we adopted our standard operating procedure; Jeri drove and Tim navigated.  It’s best that way.

Clacketts invade Manhattan
Always obey street signs

We stayed at the YMCA in a four person room with metal bunk-beds, reminiscent (one imagines) of a prison cell.  But the Clacketts are nothing if not adaptable and we were only sleeping there anyway. We took a stroll in the direction of a pizza restaurant selected by Matt to perform our third and final test.  Yes, New York pizza was pretty good, very good actually, but the thin crust from Centro in Cedar City wins. Chicago deep dish is not really pizza at all, but jolly nice all the same.